heyz everyone recently i just got the awsome zombie killing game known as KILLING FLOOR!
and before i got this game i used to play left for dead and i allwase thought there was never enuff team work in lfd beacous there was no real chalenge and even on the hardest setting no one would co operate with eachother and i noticed with killing floor even on easy there was still a real chalange so everyone co operates with one another! also i noticed that killing floor is way WAY! mor gory than left for dead will ever be and it is way more realistic and kind of sticks to the classic shoot the zombie in the head and they die deal beacous pretty much the only way to kill a zombie easily in killing floor you have to shoot them in the head to kill them
and its way scaryer than left for dead i recomend this game to those who feel as if left for dead isnt gory enuff or that it has no real chalange and its players do not co operate with one another.
so what do you think people! left for dead or killing floor?